Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam available – bfbc2 vietnam

bfbc2 Vietnam

Jump in the huey fly over the rice paddies and enjoy the 2 hours of 60’s music. The best just got better and added Creedence Clearwater Revival  – Fortunate Son. Well its well worth it even if you just watch the intro for the music. The price for the expansion is worth it if you have not played BF online yet. If your new to playing online in South Africa head over to saix and get the list of active games.

Cant find bfbc2 vietnam in stores ?

The ZA Store for EA is selling it for R99 or head over to Steam.

  • 5 Brand New Maps: From the rice fields of the Phu Bai Valley to the napalm scorched earth of Hill 137, five distinct Vietnam-based maps each bring a fresh visual and game play experience.
  • 6 Immortalized Vehicles: Skim the treetops in the iconic American helicopter. Drive the sturdy Russian T54 tank and the nimble US PBR “Pibber” patrol boat, plus three more vehicles immortalized in the Vietnam war.
  • 15 Characteristic Weapons: Charge into battle with 15 new weapons modeled on their real life counter-parts, including the rare Navy SEAL XM22 machine gun and the characteristic M79 “Blooper” Grenade Launcher.
  • Rocking 60’s Soundtrack: Listen to 8 radio channels in-game, featuring 2 hours of time typical tracks, including “Ride of the Valkyries” and “Fortunate Son” by CCR.
  • True War Dialogue: All-new voice overs for both American and Vietnamese forces, based on authentic communication from the Vietnam War.

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